Someone bravely posted on Facebook that she had already broken her New Year's Resolution and it was only 7:30am on New Years Day. What was her broken resolution? She didn't say, but I can only imagined it might have been...
- she was going to start a new diet
- she wanted to swear less like a sailor and more like a lady
- she was going to yell less at her children
- it might have even been, not to look at her phone first thing in the morning

And this is why I don't like the traditional New Year's Resolutions. They're too specific, they're too ridged. They tell what we HAVE to do, and let's face it we don't like doing what we HAVE to do.

Change is hard enough, let's not make it harder by telling ourselves what we HAVE to do. Let's make it more doable, more fun. More forgiving.
This year, choose a word that will embody what you would like to change.
Instead of, "I want to loose 15 pounds" maybe you choose Healthy. Or look back at the last year to see why you may not be eating healthy; was it because you worked so much more that you didn't have time for healthy eating, so your word might be Balance. You want to strive to have more work-life balance.
But just as important as it is that you choose a word, so is having it in a place that reminds you of it.
Make your own reminder on a token that can be worn or hung in a place to remind you of your intention for the year.
Word of the Year Workshop
Sunday, January 26, 2020
1:00pm - 4:00pm
It will be held at:
TBT Real Estate
108 This Way, Lake Jackson, TX
Options available are: Bracelet, Necklace, Key Chain, or make your own Bookmarker or Rear View Mirror Hanging Charm
To register online and save your seat, click here.
During this workshop you will also get a journal to document your process for choosing your word and how the year is going with your word. The wonderful thing about this process is sometimes you find, the word you initially chose is not working, and that's ok. We will have another workshop in May and you can choose another word or keep the one you have.
During the May workshop we will create a different project. I'm thinking something to hang on the wall, or sit on your desk.
I look forward to seeing you on January 26th as you discover the word you want and start the year fresh, because it doesn't have to be on January 1st, it can be anytime of the year you decide.
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