Yeah, I said therapeutic. Because being crafty is therapeutic. Some find it by following directions to create their masterpiece, while others find it by creating something that is totally their own.
Every time someone new comes to the classes I offer, they always have a great time. So much so, it kind of surprises them. They expected to come and make something. To be creative, or crafty or just to play with artistic things, so they can feel artistic. They don't expect the laughter, or the new friends they will make.
People, who would never have meet any other way, becoming the greatest of friends.
And there is plenty of room for more.
The next new friend making opportunity, or just a therapeutic afternoon of creating will be March 29, 2020; 1pm-4pm. You will get to make a dozen cards and a dozen tags to have ready, so you don't have to go to the store to get a card.

They think it's about them and their special day, but really, it's about you and your self-care.
Won't you join us?
Pre-Registration is required and you can do that by going to this link....
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